A Star-less Studded Cast


walter-chavez-300070-unsplash.jpg Photo by Walter Chávez on Unsplash

It has become vogue for politicians, business leaders, and cause-leaders to appear in public, or even in their living rooms, with Hollywood stars or pro athletes. Isn’t it convincing evidence of a person’s greatness to be buddies with David Beckham, Oprah Winfrey, Julia Roberts, or LeBron James?What if you were on the scene to witness the first endorsements for the Savior of the world? Would you have been convinced? What does it say about our way of discerning value in our world?Seriously—imagine yourself observing the procession of people involved in the preparation, the arrival, and welcoming of the Messiah:

  • A struck-dumb priest claiming an angel told him his son would be Messiah’s herald.
  • A unwed teenager who said an angel told her she was with child by the Holy Spirit.
  • Sheep-stinky shepherds who were the first worshippers.
  • Magi—astrologers (later called magicians), followers of Zoroaster, considered by some as able to foresee the future, and seen by others as tricksters.
  • Simeon and Anna—an older man and prophetess, possibly seen as mystics and out of step, who lived to see this One come who would console and redeem God’s people.

God’s work and purposes do not demand the presence of super stars. No, God finds pleasure in using common, ordinary people—those, like us, who have weaknesses, warts, and idiosyncrasies.

Do you, like me, find freedom and hope in the fact that God uses imperfect people to do great things?

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