Laser Surgery – Guaranteed Forever

We’ve had numerous friends get laser eye surgery. Most are very happy to leave the days of glasses or contact lenses behind! Especially, those who had horrible eyesight.
But imagine living life out of focus 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is no activity, relationship, or situation that is not impacted by our eyesight. The same is true of our spiritual “eyesight.” My view of God, myself, my friends, life’s difficulties—so many things—are either filled with Kingdom light or are darkened by wrong thinking.
Jesus makes it clear that this is a life-altering realization. If our eyes are good we will be people filled with His light (Matthew 6:22,23). If our eyes are poor, our lives are being affected by darkness and evil. This sounds very black and white, doesn’t it?
Consider these areas affected by our eyesight:
  • How do you view God?
  • How do you view wealth or the lack of wealth?
  • How do you view sex?
  • How do you view immigrants living in the United States?
  • How do you view yourself? Others?
  • What are your opinions/views on marriage and what makes it last?
  • What view do you have on handling relational conflict?
I could go on and on. Watch or listen to cable news, TV talk shows, or talk radio and consider the topics being covered. How is your view formed? What experiences, relationships, events, or sources of knowledge have fashioned the lens through which you see the world? To what extent should you let the Spirit of God do laser surgery on the lens of your heart, through which every aspect of your life passes?


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