Proud Papa

Pam and I recently became grandparents for the first time. I had been told by more experienced grandparents about what would happen in my soul, but I don’t think I really believed them. Well, it’s begun. I get so excited to see little Arie. Even seeing his picture can make me feel, “this little guy has part of me in him!” And surely, we see characteristics of his mom (our daughter) and his dad in Arie.

I wonder, what did God feel when He created Adam and Eve? Did He step back and, say, “That’s my girl” and “That’s my boy”?

We can’t be sure about what God did at that moment, but, without a doubt, we can be sure of one thing: God’s intent and desire was for His human creation to reflect His image and to represent Him on planet earth.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27)

How does it make you feel knowing that God’s intent was for us to reflect Him? When you consider the state of the world, what do you think went wrong?

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